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Project 02Noctambula

The new juicy project from Fattelo!

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Noctambula is a wireless lamp designed out of Tetra Pak packaging. Designed in collaboration with Mireia Gordi Vila, Noctambula is both assembled and connected through its lampshade. A bright idea as simple as light itself.

The battery powered Noctambula is a LED switch-operated lamp, built using only standard components and one milk carton. No cables. No soldering. Assembling Noctambula is both fun and ingenious.

Wittingly designed, Noctambula uses each layer of material. The only thing you need to do, is to peel off bits of the aluminium layer by marking it gently with a scalpel. As simple as that.

The negative and positive poles of the circuit are directly carved out the Tetra Pak foil and that’s how Noctambula components are connected together: wirelessly.

Content as form: assembling Noctambula is a quick and fun journey into basic principles of circuit making and low voltage electricity. Noctambula is literally a circuit shaped as a lamp, the happiest marriage of form and function.

And when you’re looking at Noctambula, that’s the simplest circuit possible that brightens and celebrates the beauty of ideas.

Buy/Download Now https://www.fattelo.com/fattelo/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/02noctambula-tech_specs2.png

All the components necessary to build Noctambula are mundane and standardized and easily available in hardware stores. It’s a simple recipe: you’ll only need 3 LEDs of your choice, 2AA batteries, 5 pins, one small magnet and a paper clip. Nothing else.

Project 02Noctambula

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Go to the tutorial page and make 02Noctambula from scratch. TetraPak is in your fridge, while you can find LEDs, batteries, pins and magnet in hardware stores.