23 February 2015 Fattelo! By Fattelo! Team
Fattelo! in-store #5: Sbardolini Fotografia, Iseo
Fattelo! in-store, the best shops around Europe which are distributing Fattelo!’s products is back! After Barcelona, Rome, Berlin and Cormòns, this week we are gonna show you Sbardolini Fotografia in Iseo, the store (which is more than a store) of Federico and Elisa.
22 December 2014 Fattelo! By Fattelo! Team
Season greetings from Fattelo!
Dear all,
this has been an amazing year here at fattelo, we grew up as a company, met a lot of people during our workshops and improved our 01Lamp, now it’s time for a little break, time to spend some days with those who are often far away the rest of the year.
We would like to wish you a merry Xmas and a great new year: charge your batteries now so you’ll be ready for a 2015 with some new, awesome things coming from Fattelo!
Best wishes
Fattelo! Team
18 December 2014 Fattelo! By Fattelo! Team
Fattelo! in-store #4: A.tipiko, Cormòns
This week we move to Cormòns to visit A.tipiko by Alessandra Franco.
Cormòns is a small village surrounded by vineyards, known for the variety in the production of wine and food. However, the soul can’t be nourished just with food: for this reason, Alessandra decided to create a small shop (just 29 square meters), full of unique products. A true innovation in a town counting just 7.700 inhabitants.
12 December 2014 Fattelo! By Fattelo! Team
Fattelo! in-store #3: Supermarket Concept Space, Berlin
For our 3rd appointment with Fattelo! in-store, the serie to discover the most amazing stores in Europe selling 01Lamp, we move to the creative Berlin to visit Supermarket Concept Space, within the Bikini Berlin complex.
9 December 2014 Fattelo! By Fattelo! Team
A 10-steps guide to make your own 01Lamp
After talking about the workshops and providing the possibility to buy 01Lamp’s LED kit from our website, today we published a new section on Fattelo’s website: a 10-steps guide to make your own DIY version of 01Lamp!
20 November 2014 Fattelo! By Fattelo! Team
Fattelo! in-store #2: 20metriquadri, Rome
Here we are again!
After the first episode of Fattelo! in-store, where we visited Studiostore Barcelona (Spain), we are now ready for the second episode of the serie, to discover the most interesting shops in Europe where you can find 01Lamp by Fattelo!
17 November 2014 Fattelo! By Mattia Compagnucci
About Workshop.
Who has had the opportunity of join a workshop knows that it’s a moment for personal enrichment in so many points of view. First of all because they let us discover an unknown territory or that we know only in part; concerning art, manual skills, an innovative theory or a particular technique, each workshop, even the simplest, leave in us a seed to take home and bring forth.
5 November 2014 Fattelo! By Fattelo! Team
Fattelo! in-store #1: Studiostore Barcelona, Spain
Hello everybody,
as we said one week ago, here’s the first appointment with Fattelo! in-store, the coolest shops in Europe selling 01Lamp!
In this first episode, we’ll show you Studiostore Barcelona: founded by the Italian designer Federica Sandretti (a.k.a. “Lafede”), Studiostore will definitely surprise you for the attention in the details and the amazing decorations of the spaces.
31 October 2014 Fattelo! By Fattelo! Team
Fattelo! in-store
Dear all,
we are happy to announce that a new series will start on Fattelo! Blog: Fattelo! in-store.
Fattelo! in-store is the new Fattelo! Story which will let you discover the most amazing stores in Europe selling 01Lamp. Stores which will left you open-mouthed and tell you, through pictures, the passion for creativity, taste and… wonder! True sources of inspiration for well-done things’ lovers.